Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Muse Sing ...

Some weeks ago, I read the guidelines for the Sporty Spec Anthology (I believe Ms. LBB pointed the way over there). The idea of games/sports themed stories seemed very cool.

I filed it away under a mental pile of National Geographic magazines, and there is where it sat. Resting, fermenting, stewing, aging: however you want to put it. I wasn't conciously thinking about it.

One evening I read Steve B.'s post about his muse and it occurred to me to check the anthology again. The book was filling up with submissions. If I wanted to participate I had to get cracking on a story. I went to bed, turned off the light, and started thinking.

An idea bubbled up. Turned the light back on and scribbled on paper. That idea more than bubbled, it gushed. Two hours later I had about 675 words (I was writing slow - okay, I was writing slow so that I could actually read my handwriting the next day). A few tweaks with some much appreciated critique from a friend on very short notice (thanks again!) and it was done.

That was a record pace. I'm still rather amazed it worked out so well. Was that whole story really just simmering under the covers? If I had tried to write it the next day would it have come out the same or as good? However it worked, I'm just grateful that it did, and for those that helped it along the way.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Summertime, Hold the Blues ...

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter - That's how I rank them (and I'd take an extended fall and spring over winter any time). Not technically summer yet, but we're past Memorial Day, school is out, the weather is warm-to-hot, so let's call it summer and declare victory.

Summer. Time to relax a bit. Slow down. Chill out. Vacations. Swimming. Fun. Family. Friends. And books!

Plenty of time for reading, right? Heh.

To be honest, I don't have a single clear day on the calendar until mid-August, and I expect there will be scribbles on those 'empty' days before the end. But I will make time for writing. And reading. I hope you will as well.

Because there is a new contest over on my website. All you have to do is read. And send me an e-mail.

p.s. Double tagged by LBB and Steve:

"If there are one or more people on your friends list who make your world a better place just because they exist, and whom you would not have met (in real life or not) without the internet, then post this same sentence in your journal."

Friday, June 15, 2007

When You Assume ...

Do you know the rest of the saying from the post title?

According to Asimov's submission guidelines if I have not heard back within three months then I can assume my manuscript was lost in the mail.

I'm a bit disappointed. It was over a month ago when I sent them another SASE with extra postage for the impending rate hike. I'd think the least they could do was use it to say: "Mmmm-no sorry, can't locate your work."

I'm welcome to resubmit it, the guidelines offer. After three months I think I'd like to try it somewhere else. What do you all think? Have you had similar experiences?

Monday, June 11, 2007

Thank You For Holding ...

Been busy recently with many small waves that turned into a little tsunami of life. Mostly good stuff, family stuff, and a lot of hours devoted to a new computer (finally, finally, finally). But enough about me.

Ms. Littlebird-Blue will be published in the Ruins anthology. Congratulations, er, what's your name again? ;-)

And another just in. I made the acquaintance of Meika Loofs Samorzewski through the Critters site. The story he had up for critique is now available online: "I Want A Mechanical Echidna"

Friday, June 01, 2007

I Ain't Got Time For That Now ...

Currently Reading: Bone Dance by Emma Bull

#8 - Hiatus from critiquing

At Critters Writers' Workshop one has to pay to play. Before my own story could be commented on, I had to comment on others. Good experience in itself. At this point I have a lot of credits and can coast for a bit (though I do owe a few people for whom I will reciprocate their critques).

This concludes our month of time saving measures. It always comes back to time, for me. Making the best use of it. Finding more of it. Managing it better.

Some of my efforts were easier than others (I still have no desire to check those statistics). I did break down and get some more library books even though there's one more old one I have to read. But, I have a plan to make up for that (more later).

I feel like I've gotten into some good habits (as opposed to bad ones) and will continue to do my best on most of them. Most.

Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go watch the Red Sox deliver a big can of whupass to the pinstripes.