Last Chance ...
Last Book Read: Web Design on a $hoestring by Carrie Bickner
Feels like I have flogged this contest forever. It has been several months of my exhorting everyone to Read! Read! Read!
In that time period I myself have gotten through about a book a week. But those don't count towards the charitable donation. Only books read by you all do!
[Puts fundraiser hat on] Yes, the total is up to $47 as of today. That is great, more than I could have hoped for. Did you notice how close to $50 it is? $50 is a nice number, isn't it?
Just think of all the things that libraries have done for you in your lifetime. I'm sure of all the people who have participated so far, there will be three more books read by the end of this Friday.
That would be great! Yes, that nice round number of $50. Yes, three more, that's nothing. How about 8 more?