A Novel Story
Last Book Read: The Singer's Crown by Elaine Isaak
Back from Boskone. A different experience from last year, but still enjoyable. More notes later. I must fulfill an obligation first.
Background: Nathan had a contest on his novel blog. Having won, I could choose a book from his shelf. I asked for a David Weber novel since he was the guest of honor at Boskone this year and I hadn't read any Weber. Nathan sent me On Basilisk Station, the first of the "Honor Harrington" series.
Nathan also requested some con photos. Here is the adventure of the book.
It arrived at the hotel, full of excitement. It was going to meet the man, it's creator!

As the sun set gently in the west past the skyscrapers of Boston, the book whispered to itself: "Soon. Soon."

The following morning, it happened! The man himself took hold of the book firmly, peeled back its cover. He revealing the untouched title page, and inked his signature quickly. He then pushed the book aside, moving on to a steady stream of other books.

The book was proud, but confused. It wasn't unique, it knew. Wasn't even a hardcover, but still, so quick. The man's touch never lingered. The book decided to celebrate anyway, diving into the hotel room's "Honor Bar".

As you can imagine, the book went a little overboard. And as happens with overindulgence, there are consequences.

The book went to bed, a cold cloth at it's head, abashed. Perhaps it wasn't special to the man, just another paperback copy, but his signature would always be special to it.

Thanks again for the book, Nathan!
Ha! Those poor paperbacks, they get no respect. Heck, Jay Lake gave me more time and I asked him to sign the book they were giving away for free at the con. Hopefully the read will be more fulfilling. Also, I hear you met Joshua P. Excellent.
No slight meant to David Weber. Before he had arrived at the signing table, 20 people were already waiting. I didn't dally so that the line kept moving.
The con newsletter warned people to only bring two books to be signed. Quite a shock to those who had large cardboard boxes filled to the top. I'm guessing they were re-sellers of some sort, eBay or the like.
And yes, had a very nice conversation with Joshua. Excellent fellow, indeed.
Color me satisfied. BTW, the close-up of the cover reminded me that GF, who is not a SF/F fan has the following litmus test when I try to get her to read something I like.
"Does it have any six-legged cats in it? I'm not reading about any six-legged cats."
I didn't understand the treecat myself. I expect it will play a larger role in the future.
There are now something like 90 Honor Harrington books. Some of them are collections of short stories (which include one about how Honor first got adopted by her treecat).
You've got a lot of catching up to do. :D
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