Day Last
Tonight's Dinner: Pizza
Beverages: Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee
Music: Silence
Coping Strategy #3: Prospect of being done.
Mood: Big, Silly, Grin
This is the final day of National Novel Writing Month, however I am done. Those things that need doing will be denied no longer (and they mostly have to do with the Sporty Spec East Coast Book Launch Party held two days from now.)
Many thanks to everyone stopping by to read this; hope it was more fun than boring. Highest praise and gratitude to everyone who commented, your thoughts and encouragement kept me going and going and going. Special thanks to the NaNo buddies who also lived through all the ups and downs of trying to do this crazy thing.
Also, I must praise someone I've never met or communicated with, Mario Kluser, whose little movies made me re-think the value of silly, little online videos. His thank goodness it's over video captures the giddiness and exhaustion that punctuates much of the NaNo experience.
His victory dance is fun to watch as well.